Hello Superstars!
I love it when people from home do well. Seeing their accomplishments—their art— inspires me to keep creating. I remember when St. Croix’s own Binghi Ghost and I were skinny, unsupervised kids running around Christiansted. Now, he’s creating fly music that combines dub, dancehall, and hip hop—and putting it out monthly.
Featuring catchy hooks, solid melodies and key overdubs, St. Croix’s Binghi Ghost creates a fresh musical flavor based on a reggae roots vibe sharpened by the edge of hardcore dancehall. He deftly alternates between Jamaican dancehall, VI roots and American Hip Hop, resonating with reggae and urban music fans of all types.
Here’s his song, “Put Your Foot In It:”
I love the Goya bottles in the video! Makes me hungry.
What does it mean to ‘put your foot in it?’
If you ‘put your foot in it,’ you’ve added a little magic—a little extra love—to make that thing special. Usually, it means a great plate. “‘Put Your Foot In It’ is a song with a chorus based on a bit of Southern vernacular, something I picked up while going to college in the South—Tallahassee,” says Binghi Ghost. “When we would cook, my locally southern fren’ dem would say, ‘Damn boy! You put your foot in that pot didn’t you?! You put your foot right in it!’”
But according to him, the phrase can mean that if you get your priorities straight, you can have a fulfilling life. “That saying was what came to mind when I was voicing that song and then the verses came together in a way where I am playfully bragging about my past…and then the second verse sees an evolution and maturity toward investing in self, in land, in your future, casting away your ‘waste man fren’ dem.’”
You can put your foot in your own life and make it happy. What better advice is there than that?
Here’s his latest song, “Ragga Ragga:”
The planet has become so small, and music can’t be kept apart from music. Through a fusion of reggae and hip hop, this song exemplifies Binghi Ghost’s message of unity and positivity.
If you feel these vibes, follow Binghi Ghost on Instagram (@binghighost) and YouTube (@binghighoststx).
This week, I hope that you reconnect with a friend from home and share the cool things that you’ve both been doing.
Talk soon!❤️💛💚